Located in the city of Celaya, Guanajuato, dedicated to the storage and logistics of products, we have decided to implement and maintain an Integrated Management System (IMS) based on ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 22000-2018, continuously improving our service.
Custody, storage and preservation of goods coming from abroad or domestic goods for export
Figure within the tax warehouse, in which the supplier domiciled abroad can bring goods into Mexico, without the need to have an importers' registry or a tax domicile in Mexico.
Storage, custody, safekeeping and conservation of goods or product
CRM" customer portal, where they will give traceability to their products in real time (inputs/outputs/status).
Security with closed-circuit cameras and 24-hour surveillance.
Integrated pest management
Fire fighting equipment.
Certification: ISO 9001-2015 and ISO 22000-2018
Inventory Control System (WMS), with customers having access to their account 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, to check inventories. Of the day 365 days a year, to review inventories.
Strategic location in the center of the country, which facilitates the distribution of its merchandise throughout Mexico.
We are connected to the main ports and borders by excellent communication routes (roads, airports and railways).
Qualified and trained personnel in distribution and logistics.
Fast and efficient loading and unloading of goods.